
sublevel stoping mining method

Underground Mining Methods and Equipment

UN – EOLSS SAMPLE CHAPTERS CIVIL ENGINEERING – Vol. II - Underground Mining Methods and Equipment - S. Okubo and J. Yamatomi ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) 2. Strength of the hanging wall, footwall, and ore body. 3. Economic value of the ore and grade distribution within the deposit.

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Production scheduling optimisation for sublevel stoping …

Among underground mining methods, sublevel stoping are a commonly used method in large-scale mining. It is a versatile and productive method that is …

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Definition of sublevel stoping

A mining method involving overhand, underhand, and shrinkage stoping. Its characteristic feature is the use of sublevels. The sublevels are worked simultaneously, the lowest on a given block being farthest advanced and the subs above following one another at short intervals. The uppermost sublevel underneath the cover is partly caved.

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Stoping Mining Methods

The principal mining methods have been summarized in a series of information circulars as follows: ... In sublevel stoping the ore is excavated in open stopes, retreating from one end of the stope toward an entrance at the other end (fig. 86) on each of a series of sublevels that are usually 20 to 25 feet apart vertically but may be 40 feet or ...

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Full article: Stochastic stope design optimisation under …

The sublevel open stoping mining method (Figure 1) considers horizontal production levels that might be separated by horizontal pillars. The stopes have variable heights within each level, but their access is always aligned to a respective production level and can be apart by rib and longitudinal pillars. This feature facilitates the ...

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Longwall; Sublevel Caving and Block Caving Underground mining methods

Longwall Longwall in coal Longwall in Hard Rock Sublevel Caving Characteristics of the ore body and mining method Development Production Equipments Used Block Caving Introduction Historical ...

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Sublevel Open Stoping with Subsequent Backfill | SpringerLink

The basic application criterion of sublevel open stoping with subsequent backfill method is that the stope can remain stable before completing the mining …

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Backfill Practices for Sublevel Stoping System | SpringerLink

Abstract. Sublevel stoping mining methods are very popular in Canadian metal mines since they enable maximum ore recovery due to pillar-less mining. Sublevel stoping …

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Mining Methods

The ore body can be efficiently mined in large volumes and with higher productivity using larger underground equipment and the bulk mining methods. There are several methods for bulk underground mining, the most common being block caving, long hole open stoping, sublevel open stoping, sublevel caving and vertical-crater-retreat. …

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Research on sublevel open stoping recovery processes of …

The short-hole shrinkage or sublevel chamber-mining methods are usually adopted for mining orebodies with a 30–50° incline and less than 10 m in vertical thickness [6 ... The schematic of sublevel open stoping method with double-drilling roadway. (A) section sketch of DSLOS mining method; (B) 3D model of the DSLSOS mining …

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Stope Sequencing Optimization for Underground Mines …

Sublevel stoping is an underground mining technique for mines used to extract massive or tabular, intermediate to very thick, steeply dipping orebodies with competent rock types [1, 2].Stopes are underground excavations made by removing ore from surrounding rocks [].After a stope is drilled and blasted, the fragmented ore is then …

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Although the general geometry is the same as for the room-and-pillar method, the generic name given the system is sublevel stoping. Blasthole stoping, vertical crater retreat, and vein mining also fall under this general heading. The shrinkage stoping method is a special form of sublevel stoping.

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Sublevel Stoping Underground Mining Methods

Sublevel stoping: configuration method in stopes where the ore is detonated by drilling a fan. or parallel; large part of the ore is …

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Geotechnical Design for Sublevel Open Stoping

The first comprehensive work on one of the most important underground mining methods worldwide, Geotechnical Design for Sublevel Open Stoping presents topics according to the conventional sublevel stoping process used by most mining houses, in which a sublevel stoping geometry is chosen for a particular mining …

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Sublevel Open Stoping with Subsequent Backfill | SpringerLink

It is a mining method that uses the sublevel open stoping method to stope the room or pillar and to fill the goaf completely after the stage stoping is completed to support the surrounding rock, creating conditions for the stoping of the rib pillar or the surrounding stopes. ... The advantages are great flexibility and high mining efficiency ...

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Overview of Underground Metalliferous Mining | SpringerLink

Various stoping methods are practised across the globe for the final extraction of mineral deposits. The selection of a feasible mining method for a mine is dependent on the technical suitability and economical profitability. The technical suitability of …

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Types of Underground Mining Method Comparison

Sublevel Stoping. This method, described by F. W. Sperr in the Engineering and Minting Journal of June 5, 1912, and by P. B. McDonald in the Mining and Scientific Press of July 5, 1913, is really a combination of several different methods of …

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Production scheduling optimisation for sublevel stoping …

Among underground mining methods, sublevel stoping are a commonly used method in large-scale mining. It is a versatile and productive method that is primarily used for steeply deeping orebodies with regular shape, defined ore boundaries and competent ore and host rock. The sequence and extraction of stopes is critical in …

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Evaluation of the use of sublevel open stoping in the mining …

In the proposed diamond layout sublevel open stoping (DLSOS) mining system, the workers drill from a supported drift outside the stope and the operation is …

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Research on sublevel open stoping recovery …

The gently inclined medium-thick orebody is generally viewed as difficult to extract. This paper presents a sublevel open stoping using long-hole with back filling method, particularly for inclined medium …

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3) Sublevel stoping - a method of stoping in which the ore is blasted by benching, ring drilling, or long hole; most of the ore is drawn off as it is blasted, leav­ ing an open stope. 4) Sublevel caving - an induced caving method in which the ore is blasted by ring drilling from drifts; overlying rock is expected to cave as the ore is

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Sublevel Shrinkage (SLSh) Mining—A State-of-the-art Review

Sublevel shrinkage (SLSh) is an underground mining method similar to sublevel caving (SLC) but with continuous backfilling from the top. It features a top-down mining sequence with production drifts orientated in a longitudinal or transverse way in the orebody. Fan drilling and blasting is done from the production drifts, from where the ore …

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Determination of sublevel stoping layout using a network …

In present study, a network flow algorithm has been developed to optimize the stope boundary for the sublevel stoping method. The proposed algorithm is combined with the Mining Rock Mass Rating (MRMR) classification system presented by Laubscher (1993) to obtain the optimum size of the stopes subjected to the maximum stable width. …

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Sublevel stoping | Britannica

Other articles where sublevel stoping is discussed: mining: Blasthole stoping: In sublevel stoping, shorter blastholes are drilled from sublevels located at shorter vertical intervals along the vertical stope. A fairly typical layout is shown in the figure. In vertical retreat mining the stope does not take the shape of a vertical slot. Instead, the trough …

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OneMine | SubLevel Stoping

INTRODUCTION The sublevel stoping mining method is usually applied to a relatively steeply dipping, competent ore body, surrounded by competent wall rock. Ore is …

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Backfill Practices for Sublevel Stoping System

Keywords: underground mining, sublevel stoping, mine backfill, cemented rockfill. 1 Introduction Many Canadian metal mines have adopted sublevel stoping method or one of its variations, such as blasthole stoping, vertical crater retreat (VCR), or vertical block mining (VBM) for the extraction of steeply dipping ore bodies [1]. In these

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Environmental, Social, and Governance Considerations in …

In operations that use the sublevel stoping mining method, production scheduling takes into account factors, including ore reserve envelopes, ore grade averages, equipment capacity, feed controls to the mill, and geotechnical restrictions, across the scheduling horizon. Mathematical programming is one of the most effective methods for …

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Sublevel Caving Method Without Sill Pillar | SpringerLink

Advantages of sublevel caving method without sill pillar: the stope has a simple structure, which is beneficial for the operation of large mechanized trackless self-propelled equipment; no need to maintain pillars, high adaptability to changes of ore body, concentration and stoping of the orebodies of various grades and with horse stones, …

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A Review of Sublevel Stoping

A single lift design is the most basic arrangement for a sublevel stope extraction. The stope shape and size is constrained by two sublevels; the extraction and the drilling horizons. …

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Underground Mining Methods

Mining continues upwards towards the sur-face until the orebody is depleted. Sublevel stoping Sublevel stoping is a mining method in which ore is blasted from different …

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