Experimental data for the leaching of glucose, ... Solute diffusivities in leaching processes. G. SchwartzbergH Y. ChaoR. Agricultural and Food Sciences, Chemistry. 1982; 215. Save. Transferencia de calor y materia durante el escaldado de papas. Alicia Califano. Chemistry.
This challenge is particularly true in the extreme case of ionic liquids (ILs), fluids composed entirely of cations and anions. Solute diffusivities in ILs show a strong concentration dependence, broadening the already vast IL design space and rendering conventional, sample-by-sample measurements impractical for screening.
An equation to predict the temperature dependence of solute impurity diffusivity in liquid metals has been derived by combining the Sutherland-Einstein …
This chapter summarizes the theoretical basis for the determination of diffusion coefficients in porous media and discusses a few common experimental …
Schwartzberg H.G., Chao R.Y., Solute diffusivities in leaching processes, Food Technol. 36 (1982) 73–86. CAS Google Scholar Seiffert S., Oppermann W., Systematic evaluation of FRAP experiments performed in a confocal laser scanning microscope, J. Microsc. Oxford 220 (2005) 20–30.
Leaching of solids was significant at very short rehydration time. Understanding the mechanism of the leaching process could provide information required for simulation. TOC values were significantly higher than those derived by HPLC, indicating that other organic components were extracted. The difference between TOC and HPLC …
In a typical continuous single or multistage leaching process, the stream containing the solid phase is called the underflow whilst the solute-rich stream is referred to as the overflow stream. …
OD process water is extracted from the solid, while in the leaching process solute is extracted from the material and water is absorbed. These phenomena occur because of the differences between chemical potentials of the solute and water in the solid and solution. Both solute and moisture transfers in the soaking process are affected by operating
Solute diffusivities in leaching processes. Food Technology, 36 (2) (1982), pp. 74-77. Google Scholar. Sereno et al., 2001. A.M. Sereno, R. Moreira, E. Martínez. …
Mass transfer is an omnipresent phenomenon in the chemical and related industries for which effective diffusivities (Di,eff) constitute a useful and simple mathematical tool, especially when dealing with multicomponent mixtures. Although several models have been published for Di,eff they generally involve simplifying assumptions …
The starting point for modelling a particular diffusion process is to consider the shape of the solid and the nature of the process itself: uptake of solute into the food, leaching of solute from the food or diffusion of solute …
solute into the food, leaching of solute from the food or diffusion of solute through the food, and the experimen- T.H. V arzakas et al. / Enzyme and Microbial Tec hnology 37 (2005) 29–41 37
Explanation: Leaching is process where a solvent selectively dissolves some of the solid components from a multi component solid mixture. 3. What happens in an ideal leaching stage of a mixture of A and B? ... Explanation: If the viscosity of the liquid phases is increased, the is an increase in the concentration of solute. 5. What is a ...
For the solute studied, a reduction in effective diffusion coefficient was observed with a retardation of solute flux in both aqueous and calf meat layers. ... in beef semitendinosus is 1.1 × 10 −10 m 2 /s is in very good agreement with Schwartzberg and Chao's study on solute diffusivities in leaching process (1981).
Differences between samples blanched in recycled water (2.6 kg/m 3 soluble solids from potato blanching process) and water with 0.5 kg/m 3 of glucose were observed. The apparent diffusivities of ascorbic acid during blanching of potato in distilled, recycled and water with 0.5 kg/m 3 of glucose at 80°C were compared, being 17.39×10 −10, 16 ...
An overview of its industrial application and bibliometric analysis is conducted in Section 2.A systematic overview of mineral leaching models (expect for bioleaching processes) at the theoretical and empirical, laboratory and industrial scale is developed in Section 3, identifying the key factors that drive mineral leaching …
The combined effect of internal and external mass-transfer resistances limited the advantages of using biocatalysts with enzyme loadings greater than 150 mg BSAE/g ds and the statistically significant change in the apparent affinity of immobilised enzyme for urea …
Leaching, as a process in food industry, which is the transfer of solutes from a solid to an adjacent fluid, may be controlled by internal diffusion of solutes (Lathrop & Leung, 1980; Schwartzberg & Chao, 1982; Selman et al., 1983; Rice & Selman, 1984).
H. G. Schwartzberg and R. Y. Chao, "Solute Diffusivities in Leaching Processes," Food Technology, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1982, pp. 73-86. has been cited by the following article: TITLE: An Environment Friendly, Low-Cost Extraction Process of Phenolic Compounds from Grape Byproducts. Optimization by Multi-Response Surface Methodology . AUTHORS: ...
Normally, the concentration of solute in the final extract is limited to the value in equilibrium with the feed, but a countercurrent stream that is richer than the feed is available for enrichment of the extract. This is essentially solvent-free extract as reflux. A flowsketch and nomenclature of such a process are given with Example 14.8. Now ...
We propose a method for measuring gas and liquid diffusivities of surface active solutes based on the measurements of dynamic interfacial tension. The selection of the experimental system needed to achieve accurate diffusivity estimation and, particularly, the selection of the complementary fluid to create the interface sensitive to the solute …
The leaching kinetics of aluminum from peat clay using 4 M HCl at dissimilar leaching temperatures (30–90 °C) was investigated. The maximum of aluminum recovery was 91.27% after 60 min of leaching in agitated Pyrex reactor at 90 °C. The model involved the concept of shrinking core in order to describe aluminum that is located inside the …
leaching and facilitate contact of the solvent with the solute [2]. Leaching is a step in hydrometallurgical processes employed for ores and that has also been employed in the recovery of metals from WEEE [5, 6]. The development and use of the leaching process as a step in the recycling of
The extraction of a solute from a solid matrix involves a three-stage process: desorption of the solutes and solubilisation in the solvent, internal diffusion through the solid phase towards the surface and external solute diffusion in the liquid volume . Extraction can be performed using fresh/dried and ground/whole samples.
Solute diffusivities in ILs show a strong concentration dependence, broadening the already vast IL design space and rendering conventional, sample-by-sample measurements impractical for screening.
The kinetic results obtained by Zanoni el al (J Set Food Agric 58 1992 275–279) for the extraction of solubles from sieved roast arabica coffee at 90°C have been recalculated and re-interpreted. It has been shown that the 85–90% of soluble extracted within the first minute can be accounted for by diffusion of the soluble constituents through the coffee …
Several processes in the food industry, such as leaching and drying are usually controlled by internal diffusion. In many cases these processes have been interpreted on the …
Solute diffusion phenomena through inside or outside of the processed material, plays an important role in a variety of unit operations of the food industry, such as dehydration (Daudin, 1983), osmotic treatments (Karel, 1976) and leaching processes (Schwartzberg and Chao, 1982).
Mathematical prediction of leaching losses of water soluble vitamins during blanching of peas. STELLA M. ALZAMORA, Corresponding Author. STELLA M. ALZAMORA. Proipa (CONICET-FCEyN), Departmento de Industrias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1428 Capital Federal Argentina ...