In the recent Exploration in the House event at Parliament House in Sydney Dietmar provided an overview of the use of generative AI for assessing copper, nickel and cobalt prospectivity in the Lachlan fold belt, based on the Honours thesis of Nathan Wake, and work by Ehsan Farahbakhsh and Vera Nolte-Wilson.
Conceptualization of prospectivity for mineral deposits in an area needs a thorough review of literature on characteristics and processes of formation of mineral …
Both mineral potential mapping by zones with RF and MaxEnt models have higher area under the ROC curve (AUC) values than the models performed in the study area and delineate 19% of the study area containing > 88% of the known deposit occurrences. Finally, according to the concentration–area (C-A) thresholds for …
value for the mineral prospectivity, Ytrain, ie. gold values in drilling. The task for gold assays any mineral prospectivity algorithm is to learn the mapping function, f, such that as Three Bluffs!"#;%&'()*+=-&'()* where # represent all the parameters which define the mapping. By optimizing these parameters and learning the mapping, one
The uncertainty inherent in three-dimensional (3D) mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) encompasses (a) mineral system conceptual model uncertainty stemming from geological conceptual frameworks, (b) aleatoric uncertainty, attributable to the variability and noise due to multi-source geoscience datasets collection and processing, …
The Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt is an important copper and iron polymetallic metallogenic belt in China. Today's economic development is inseparable from the support of metal mineral resources. With the continuous exploitation of shallow and easily identifiable mines in China, the prospecting work of deep and …
Machine learning algorithms, including supervised and unsupervised learning ones, have been widely used in mineral prospectivity mapping. Supervised learning algorithms require the use of numerous known mineral deposits to ensure the reliability of the training results. Unsupervised learning algorithms can be applied to areas with rare …
Mineral exploration is the necessary first step of any mining project. Mineral prospectivity analysis is a cost and time efficient exercise with for goals to delineate area of high prospectivity or to rank targets. The worldwide tendency in mineral exploration efforts is to focus on brownfield areas where large amount of data is available.
Mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) is an essential element of MP, as it aids in the identification of areas with a higher likelihood of containing mineral deposits (Zuo and Carranza, 2011, Ye, 2014). The process of mineral prospectivity mapping can be classified into two categories: knowledge-driven and data-driven modeling.
1. Introduction. Mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) is a key procedure in the early stage of mineral exploration, and the fundamental purpose is to minimize prospecting cost and to reduce exploration risk (Chen and Wu, 2016).The MPM process was performed by integrating interpretations and observations from geologists and …
The SVM classifications of mineral prospectivity have 5–9% lower total errors, 13–14% higher false-positive errors and 25–30% lower false-negative errors compared to those of the WofE prediction. The prospective target areas predicted by both SVM and WofE reflect, nonetheless, controls of Au deposit occurrence in the study area …
The majority of machine learning algorithms that have been applied in data-driven predictive mapping of mineral prospectivity require a sufficient number of training samples (known mineral deposits) to obtain results with high performance and reliability. Semi-supervised learning can take advantage of the huge amount of unlabeled data to …
Mapping mineral prospectivity (MPM) is mostly beset with prediction uncertainties, which are generally categorized into (a) stochastic and (b) systemic types. ... (1992). The study of magmatic evolution in the baghu area and relation with gold mineralization, SE Damghan (M.Sc. thesis). University of Tarbiat Moalem, Tehran, p. 324.
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is used to prepare and process digital geoscience data in a variety of ways for producing gold prospectivity maps of the Swayze greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada. Data used to produce these maps include geologic, geochemical, geophysical, and remotely sensed (Landsat). A number of modeling methods are used …
Data-driven mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) using machine learning is emerging as a powerful tool in support of mineral exploration targeting at regional or camp scale. However, MPM based on supervised learning faces some general problems, notably including subtle information obscured in exploration data and imbalanced training …
The goal is to parameterize the complex relationships between the data and the labels such that mineral potential can be estimated in under-explored regions using available …
Random Forest classification was applied to create mineral prospectivity maps (MPM) for orogenic gold in the Rainy River area of Ontario, Canada. Geological and geophysical data were used to create 36 predictive maps as RF algorithm input. Eighty-three (83) orogenic gold prospects/occurrences were used to train the classifier, and 33 …
With the decrease in surface and shallow ore deposits, mineral exploration has focused on deeply buried ore bodies, and large-scale metallogenic prediction presents new opportunities and challenges. This paper adopts the predictive thinking method in this era of big data combined with specific research on the special exploration and …
In 2021, the Geological Survey of Finland, in co-operation with the United States Geological Survey, the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and the Centre for Exploration Targeting, University of Western Australia, successfully organized and conducted the Mineral Prospectivity and Exploration Targeting (MinProXT 2021) webinar in October 2021.The …
The Axi low-sulfidation (LS) epithermal deposit in northwestern China is the result of geological controls on hydrothermal fluid flow through strike-slip faults. Such controls occur commonly in LS epithermal deposits worldwide, but unfortunately, these have not been quantitatively analyzed to determine their spatial relationships with gold …
Machine learning methods have recently been used widely for mineral prospectivity mapping. However, few studies have focused on the determination of variables for mineral prospectivity prediction using such methods. Here, we present a comparative study using supervised and unsupervised methods to determine predictive …
In recent years, various geological activities and different mineral prospecting and exploration programs have been intensified along the Red Sea hills in order to elucidate the geological maps and to evaluate the mineral potentials. This study is therefore aimed at testing the viability of using remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) …
Mineral prospectivity analysis is a predictive tool and typically used for exploration targeting at the broad regional to camp scale. It is less effective and less frequently used at the project to deposit scale where predictive tools compete with direct detection techniques (McCuaig & Hronsky, 2000, Hronsky & Groves, 2008, McCuaig et …
1. Introduction. Mineral prospectivity mapping (MPM) is a multicriteria decision-making task that aims to outline and prioritize prospective areas for exploring …
1.Introduction. An exploration information system (EIS) is a framework comprising different steps that allow better integration between a mineral deposit …
search, prospecting, or exploration of mineral deposits of increase progressively from regional- to local-scale. economic importance. Mineral prospectivity analysis, there …
Predictive modelling of mineral prospectivity, a critical, but challenging procedure for delineation of undiscovered prospective targets in mineral exploration, has been spurred by recent advancements of …
Although mineral prospectivity modeling (MPM) has undergone decades of development, it has not yet been widely adopted in the global mineral exploration industry. Exploration geoscientists encounter challenges in understanding the internal working of many mineral prospectivity models due to their black box nature. Besides, their …
Conceptualization of prospectivity for mineral deposits in an area needs a thorough review of literature on characteristics and processes of formation of mineral deposits of the class of interest, such as described in mineral deposit models (e.g., Cox and Singer 1986).A robust mineral prospectivity conceptual model is one that also …
Three-dimensional Mineral Prospectivity Mapping (3DMPM) is an innovative approach to mineral exploration that combines multiple geological data sources to create a three-dimensional (3D) model of a mineral deposit. It provides an accurate representation of the subsurface that can be used to identify areas with mineral …